General (Big) Meeting, Wednesday, March 24 at Festus Airport.

State Auditor Susan Montee Delivers State Audit Findings

(Originally posted in 2009, updated March 19, 2012): Susan Montee, the elected Missouri State Auditor, delivered the Crystal City audit on October 14th, 2009 to a crowd of roughly 100 people in the Crystal City High School auditorium.  A petition was circulated beginning in April of 2008 that gathered enough signatures to authorize the audit.   There was a question and answer period afterwards.

Here is the full report that was released on that evening.  City officials and the city council from Crystal City were given a preliminary copy of the audit report in July of 2009.

In late 2009 the City issued this statement about compliance with the State Audit.   In this statement it says "The department heads and I will be addressing each issue in a systematic fashion.   We will prioritize all issues, dealing with findings that concern financial management and integrity first and then work from there.  Once that is achieved the goal will be to advance the City's operations to create a more efficient, effective city to better serve the public.  Our goal is to have addressed each issue within one calendar year".

As of this writing, over two years have passed and we are not aware that anything has been published or publicized by the City regarding the State Audit.   However, the City claims that they have complied.


(This is an historical posting. The Missouri State Audit has been completed).

Click here to leave an anonymous suggestion for the upcoming Crystal City audit.

Click here to send an email suggestion.  This will show your email address and may not be anonymous.

Or mail a letter to Crystal City Audit, P.O. Box 584, Crystal City, Missouri 63019.

The Missouri State Auditor's office is about to perform an audit on the city of Crystal City.  We'd like to thank everyone that signed the petition to make this possible.  You have once again shown that our city government is run by the people of Crystal City.  

The C4 (Concerned Citizens for Crystal City) group has received a lot of criticism lately from the status quo that secretly negotiated a deal to bring an iron ore smelter to our town.   The C4 group has been accused of misleading the public and being financed by competing projects.   The truth is that the C4 group is independently financed by the local community via donations and fund raisers.   And C4's goal has always been to do what is best for the city.  To that end C4 has been beating the streets of Crystal City to find out what the people really want for their future.  These door-to-door campaigns began from the very beginning, starting with flyers that urged the citizens to come to the first public hearing about the smelter on September 5, 2007.

Since that time C4 has made it their goal to inform the public about what is going on and for each person to make an individual, educated decision.  They have made at least a half of a dozen door-to-door campaigns to inform the public and to get opinions about current issues.  During those campaigns C4 heard many people express concerns about how Crystal City is run.

This audit then is the result of the most recent petition drive that was conducted.  In that petition drive the amount of signatures needed to request an audit were met and exceeded by a significant amount.  As a result, the state of Missouri will perform a completely independent, unbiased audit on the procedures and finances of Crystal City.   But this is not a C4 audit.  It is a Crystal City audit.   It is paid for by the citizens of Crystal City and it is an audit for the benefit of Crystal City.

This is your audit and we sincerely want you to contribute to it.  If you have any issues that you would like addressed please consider leaving an anonymous suggestion or use the other methods mentioned earlier.  Please be assured that you are free to let us know whatever you want and that your message will be completely anonymous if desired.